Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 28

Business - Essay Example Securities and Exchange Commission, â€Å", Inc†). With an increasing number of internet users as well as expansion of business through e-commerce, online business has become intensely competitive. The most prominent competitors of majorly include other online e-commerce sites, media companies and traditional retail companies. In the online retail industry, there are many other factors which tend to create a significant impact over the competencies possessed by including pricing regulations, convenience, and quality assurance, time-efficient delivery of the ordered product and reliability of the systems used to execute the entire process. It is in this context that, being considered as one of the pioneers in the online retail industry, has witnessed steep rise in demands along with rapidly altering preferences amid customers. Hence, it becomes quite likely that competition, in the upcoming days will be increasingly intense due to the rapid advancement in information technology as well as increasing c ustomer awareness (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, â€Å",

Monday, October 28, 2019

Hubspot Case Essay Example for Free

Hubspot Case Essay The problem in this case is that Hubspot needed to make a transition from its initial start-up structure (organizational structure, target customers and pricing strategy) in order grow, and the dilemma was how to best approach this change. Hubspot faced three main issues for this: a) identify target customers, b) modify their pricing model and c) how to develop the growth strategy. Hubspot was good at building a community, e.g. over 300000 unique visitor in 2008, and thousands of freeware subscriptions in 2009. Nonetheless they had a diverse universe of customers, from small business owners (Ollies) to marketing professionals (Marys), different type of business ranging B2B or B2C, and size (over or under 25 employees). Table C shows there was a potential market evenly distributed among B2B and B2C. For Hubsport, the decision to identify a target customer was difficult. This is seen when contrasting exhibits 6 where 73% of customers were Ollies and exhibit 5 which indicated that Marys accounted for 68% of new customers from Sep-Dec 2008. Although the B2B customers were important for Ollies and Marys, there was an interesting growth of Marys in B2C. Thus a segmentation of customer was required to better assess their different needs. At the end of 2008, Hubspots’s products responded to the main two customers (Ollies and Marys), still its pricing model was similar for both, where Marys paid a slightly higher monthly amount as its software package included more features (exhibit 7). This was something Hubspot needed to analyze as Ollie and Marys had various pros and cons as customers. Ollies represented a lower cost to acquire ($1000) and where quick to sign in, but cancel subscription early, while Marys cost more to acquire ($5000) and took longer to sign in, by stayed for longer using the product. Assuming no churn rate an Ollie had to maintain subscription for 2 months and Marys had to maintain subscription for 9 months, to pay off their acquiring cost. The previous  scenario meant that HubSpot’s 2008 projections including the 100 paying customers from 2007 made the current pricing model not viable to support the high cost of Marys (see appendix 1). Another issued faced was the Hubsport was still a small company, seen in that it only had few engineers to build the software therefore it was hard to catch up with the sales team. Thus the product vs customer vs pricing situation presented an optimization and planning issue to keep the company growing. The previous two points require a growth strategy. At the same time it made the owners question their vision, i.e. to inbound or outbound. The strategy for growth had to clarify which customer to target, how to roll-out the respective products, whether to keep it a SaaS, and the transition into a new pricing structure to maintain current customer and capture more value from new ones. The objective of our proposed solutions is to keep Hubspot as the software-to-have for inbound marketing and grow financially from a start-up to an established business. For this we set out the following actions: Hubspot’s culture and vision should be maintained. Web 2.0 is continuing evolving as more businesses are using the various channels and HubSpot can differentiate itself as the inbound marketing which weighs more than outbound marketing (inbound represents 37% marketing budget while outbound 30%). HubSpot has the expertise to create traffic and analyze and qualify leads filling the respective demand of Ollies and Marys. At the same time we differentiate from our two main competitors by proving a lower price (Eloqua is more expensive) and focusing on inbound marketing (Marketo is a mix of inbound and outbound). Our conclusions are founded by overlaying HubSpot’s competitive field (exhibit 3) with customers’ needs a) traffic creation and b) leads analysis and qualifications, in line with HubSpot’s main strengths, as seen in appendix 2. Thus the company should not consider outbound as an alternative. As showed in appendix 4, our two segmented customers have showed different needs in terms of product features and consumption behavior. Based on the current churn out rate, we can estimate consumer lifetime value of Ollies is $4,750 and Marys $10,500 (see calculation in appendix 3). Therefore, according to our segmentation strategy, we propose following product bundles by differentiating product price and product features: 1) Product pricing: As Ollies have a shorter customer life and less marketing budget, we suggest keeping current up-front fee and a lower monthly fee. As suggestion, up-front $500 and monthly fee in the range of $150 to $250. As Marys have a longer customer life and lower price sensitivity we suggest increasing both up-front and monthly fee. As suggestion up-front $600 and monthly fee in the range of $600 to $750. Meanwhile, Marys are interested in deeper analytics, we suggest additional fee for each service of deeper analytics. As CMS system helps lower churn rate, we suggest initial fee of $300 covering 6 hours consulting to encourage both of them to use such service. 2) Product features: As Ollies prefer quick and simple solutions, we suggest tailor-made product focusing on generating leads. As Marys have a high demand of analytics, we suggest tailor-made product with more sophisticated tools to meet the needs of deeper analytics. As frequent log-in helps lower churn rate, we suggest to provide service update on a regular basis to encourage a continuous use of our service. After clearly identifying the segmentation of consumer and differentiation of products, we need ensure market-centered organizations that are capable of translating strategy into actions: 1) Engineering: To invest on product development and innovation to continuously provide with relevant service to enhance our competitive advantage of generating leads as well as analytics . 2) Sales force: To divide sales force to separately serve Maryer Ollies by providing Maryer with long-term, more sophisticated support, providing Ollies with quick simple service. 3) Marketing: To continue make a buzz for inbound marketing to create inbound marketing community rather than a simple business Finally the strategy has to be sensitive to our current customers, Appendix 5 indicates a tentative layout of the plan. Starting with the internal reorganization, then gradually change the product offering for consumers.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

An Inspector Calls :: English Literature

Drama: An Inspector Calls- Task One ----------------------------------- Written in 1946, "An Inspector Calls" takes us into the comfortable and complacent world of the Birling family who are disturbed during a celebration by the arrival of a mysterious police inspector. A young girl has committed suicide and it is revealed how all members of one family contributed to it. "An Inspector Calls" resorts to the ripping off of masks that we human beings frequently wear, with the Inspector relentlessly pursuing the truth. Just when the audience is tiring of discoveries, the whole action is given a violent twist and everyone is caught up in the unfolding events. When each member of the Birling family find out that they contributed to the death of Eva Smith, they react in very different ways and learn different things from the experience. Mr Birling is an arrogant and recognisable capitalist. He is highly conceited, and believes that whatever he says is true, for example "The Germans don't want war!" and "[Russia] will always be behindhand". We know that these statements are incorrect because of the war between Germany and England and Stalin's influence on Russia. However, Mr Birling seems oblivious to the warning signs of such serious matters. Or he just decides to blank out all the bad aspects of life, which do not concern him directly. When the Inspector arrives, Mr Birling tries to use his influence as a highly placed local to put down and demoralise the Inspector. This attempt is immediately dismissed as the Inspector does not seem to be interested in Mr Birling's influence. To try to show his importance Mr Birling remarks that he was "an alderman for years- lord mayor two years agoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦is still on the bench". However, the Inspector does not take any notice of this and continues with the investigation. As Mr Birling tells his part of his involvement in Eva's death, he manages to tell it in a way that makes him seem fair and kind to his workers. However, this is just a cover for his conscience and the Inspector and the audience can see this. In reality, he is greedy. Every penny in his pocket counts, and he tries to makes it seem that he feels that his workers deserve no more than the national average pay, if that. Nearer the end of the play, he begins to show remorse, although this remorse is directed more toward the fact that he may not get his knighthood because of the scandal, instead of feeling remorse at his actions in the situation. This is shown quite well when he says "But I care. I was almost certain for a knighthood in the next Honours List".

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Greek Influence on Western Literature Essay

Slide One: The plays performed at the Festival of Dionysus represented a completely new performance genre: drama. Plays like Oedipus Rex, Medea, and Antigone laid the groundwork for the great plays to make up the western canon, from Shakespeare’s Hamlet to Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman. Slide Two: This era also saw the birth and development of a new literary genre: tragedy. In plays like Oedipus Rex, the basic tragic structure in which a character experiences a change from happiness to suffering was codified and refined. In the hands of writers like Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, it became a vehicle for the exploration of some of humanity’s fundamental fears and questions about existence. You can see the same questions being explored in works by Shakespeare, for example, hundreds of years later. Today, more than 2,000 years later, these plays are still studied by modern tragic playwrights. Slide Three: Finally, the Athenian tragedies were important because they put humans at the center of the story. In the Iliad, for example, the gods are closely involved in the action — they take sides, they intervene on behalf of their heroes, and so on. While gods do appear in these plays, it is the very human protagonists such as Oedipus or Medea who take center stage, and whose actions determine the plot. This change signaled a shift in focus from the supernatural to the human in literature, which would have a profound influence on the Western tradition, particularly after the Middle Ages.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Reinhard Heydrich Essay

When we remember or hear of the holocaust, the common names that follow , Anne Frank, Oscar Shinler, Hitler and so on, but has anyone hare Hitlereard of Reinhard Heitritch? Reinhard Heitritch is a man who played a very large role in the developement of the holocaust, he was the achitect who implemented the solution to the â€Å"Jewish Question†. He started out by joining the SS in 1931, and formed an organization for gathering information, the SD (Sicherheitsdienst), or SS Security Service. This organization was created to organize and gather information on those who were any threat to Hitler and all members of the Nazi Party as well. It started out small, with a single typewriter but it was not long before many others joined and expanded onto the organization. Because of the SD or SS security Service and it’s success, ReinHard Heydrich was sent the direction of his own personal success, power, and role in the hollocaust. From joining the SS as an ordinary SS member, to being promoted as SS Major by Dec. 1931 (the same year he joined), SS Colonel in 1932, and SS Brigadier General in 1933. In this highest position, Heydrich was now arresting, instead of gathering information on those who were any threat to Hitler. The number of people Reinhard Heydrich arrested was massive and lead to many being put into Dachau for there was no room left in the prisons. In between the arrests, Heydrich began using greater punishment to anyone against Nazism. Such as murdering and torturing suspect who he selected without careful judgement. As his power increased, along with the power of the Nazis, so did the darkness inside of him as a Nazi. Reinhard Heydrich had slowly become more and more involved in the developement of the first steps of the hollocaust, and also the seconf world war. As the Nazis took over Austria in March 1938, Heydrich opened an office there for Jewish Emigration. It’s purpose was to give permits to Jews who wanted to leave Austria, and an estimate of 100, 000 emigrated. Reinhard Heydrich had also been part of Kristallnacht, what some say was the very start of the hollocaust. After the attack of the jews, 25, 000 Jewish men were ordered by Heydrich to be sent to concentration camps In 1941, Reinhard Heydrich had made the calls that killed a massive number of people. The half a million jews who died from starvation and murder in Ghettos such as Warsaw and Krakow were ordered by Heydrich to be sent there. By 1939, he was given complete control over the Reich Main Security Office (RSHA). This final group he’d gained power over, involving the SD, Criminal Police and Gestapo was the group responsible for the unthinkable amount of deaths in Europe. While leader of this organization, he’d now been attending important Nazi conferences. While at a conference on January, 20, 1942, Reinhard Heydrich declared the final solution to the Jewish question The usage of Zyklon-B had then been decided for the extermination of Jews at death camps after being deported to the east. The first camp that this methode began at was Auschwitz, where three million had been killed, most from gas chambers. That was Reinhard Heydrich’s rise to power, his role and impact on the developement on the holocaust. Froming joining the SS to announcing the â€Å"final solution† at a Conference, it’s absolutely scary how simple it was for a man to reach the positions he did, and leave such an inconceivable mark in the history of the world. What is also just as terrifying and inconceivable is that Reinhard Heydrich also had a family that he loved very much and he played a very peaceful instrument. When learning that Heydrich had a gentle, innocent and loving side to him outside of his work, it’s very difficult to think he had it, while knowing what this man did. This is why i created this model, to demonstrate the two opposite sides to him, and my wonder (Like Mr. Jarvis talked about before) how he could switch his mind and heart when coming home to a normal life with his family, after designing a plan to kill an unthinkable amount of people. People who could have been almost identical to the people he loved at home. At the back, this is a picture of the car he’d been assassinated in. The constant power he’d been gaining along the way to the position where he declared the â€Å"final solution†, made him over confident, arrogant and stubborn. He one day decided to leave his house in his car without any security, and was assassinated by Czech underground agents who threw a bomb at his car. The bomb injured him badly and he died days later in the hospital from blood poisoning, he died on June 4 1942.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

English mr pip practise essay Essays

English mr pip practise essay Essays English mr pip practise essay Essay English mr pip practise essay Essay Essay Topic: Everything Is Illuminated We are later introduced to the protagonist of the novel, a curious, skinny, thirteen year old named Mantilla. As all the teachers had fled the island, Mr. Watts took on the role of teaching the children, even though, all he knew was Charles Dickenss Great Expectations. A book in which Mantilla finds she can easily slip into like a t- shirt and escape from reality. As Mr. Watts reads Great Expectations and the book proceeds, Mantilla discovers she can connect with the main character, Pip, as if it was her own life being retold but only in a different way. While Mantilla has been given the opportunity to learn at school, Pip has been given the opportunity to learn to become a gentlemen. In which they both have now suffering from the way Pip lost his parents and Mantillas dad left overseas, the connection between them grows stronger each page. Both dreaming of escape, Pip was granted his wish by Mr. Jaegers. Just when Mantilla thought the connection between the two of them broke, Mantilla was transported away, far from the island. Geed up, Mantilla. Youve got school today. But we have no teachers. You do now. Pop Eye is going to teach you kids. This gave Mantilla the opportunity to learn at school once again, even if Mr. Watts wasnt a proper teacher. At this point, Pip was given the opportunity to learn to become a gentlemen. When Mr. Watts starts teaching the class, he introduces them to Great Expectations. l have found a new friend. The surprising thing is where I found him In a book. This quote was said by Mantilla and it shows us that Great Expectations meant a lot to her. She found someone who she could relate to and be with when her life got tough. She could always imagine a better place with Pip and everything would be okay for a little while. As Pip was so important to Mantilla, she saw that through Pips eventful experiences, she gained new perspectives which helped her to understand the increasingly difficult circumstances of her own life. The power of Dickenss story illuminated both the familiar and the changing aspects of Mantillas life in a new way, which also shows us how she relates to Pip. As we progressed through the book something happened to me. At some point I felt myself enter the story . Great Expectations impacts greatly on her life, it has basically become apart of her, one that she couldnt live without Dickens novel brought Mantilla hope and company. It also challenged Mantillas notions of identity, loyalty and the person she wanted to become. This was shown through Pips behavior and decisions in made throughout his life. Both Mantilla and Pip lost their fathers at a similar age, and were both raised by staunc h, strict, hard pressing women. In Mantillas case it was her mother who was submerged in her religious beliefs. While Pip was raised by his sister who was cold hearted and selfish. Because of this similarity Mantilla relates to Pip at an early stage and this provides another mean for Mantilla to fall in love with Great Expectations. l knew that orphaned white kid and that small, fragile place he squeezed into between his awful sister and lovable Joe Gagger because the same space came to exist between Mr. Watts and my mum. This quote tells us that Mantilla saw the connections between the two of them, showing us how empowering the book was on her life. Mantilla strongly identifies with Pip. Both trapped under a mother like figure, both without a father. They were in their own world unable to escape with little knowledge of the outside world. They also happened to get along with the people others arent too found Of. For Pip that is Ms Having and for Mantilla, Mr. Watts. Mantilla and Pip were both transformed by their emigration from their home surroundings. This was due to their saviors Mr. Jaegers, a lawyer in Pips case ND a log in Mantillas. Pip was given his escape by Mr. daggers who gave him the chance to go to London and excel in becoming a gentlemen. He was given full hope and support from an unknown benefactor which helped him along the way. When Mantilla was stuck in the rapids of the river, on the verge of death, a log drifted past which Mantilla latched onto, saving her life and boarded a boat to whom she wasnt sure belonged to just yet. As Mr. Jaegers saved Pip, and the log saved Mantilla, she thought that it was only fitting to name the log Mergers. Mergers, in both Mantilla and Pips cases, was the various which gave them both hope and light for the future. They both had unknown benefactors that were later revealed which also helped her relate to Pip, making him an important part of her life. Pip was so important to Mantilla, because she could rely on him to be there for her when she needed him. When she needed a friend, Pip was there. When she was upset, Pip was there. When she was scared, Pip was there. And when she needed someone she could relate to, Pip was definitely there. Pip was there for her no matter what. He was with her in her mind and heart. But most importantly Pip was in Great Expectations.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Paintings essays

Paintings essays Master of the Straus Madonna portrays what seems to be a loving and joyful relationship between mother and child. The periodic style is that of the late 14th and early 15th century which came about during the period of early renaissance. The painting expresses an emotional overpowering feeling. The Virgin is looking at the child with an expression that seems very tranquil. She is almost smiling yet at the same time praying. At the same time, the child seems very comfortable with the mother holding the finger with his right hand and a little bird being held gently in the childs left hand. The child looks out at the viewer with a look of a visionary, expressing the care free comfortable state of mind as any toddler would. The child is depicted as a chubby baby with rosy cheeks and small sparkly eyes. The childs head is tilted a bit to his left with his blond bushy hair giving a round look to the face. The child is covered by a red silky cloth beneath his waist. The cloth contains small yellow spots that are very similar to the shirt the virgin has on. The child has a necklace with a kind of red strand hanging from the necklace that has a very similar quality to the Childs cloth below his waist. The child is holding the Virgins finger and bird giving a sense of a playful attitude. The birds wings are slightly open and the bird is looking up at the sky. It seems the bird is trying to set free and fly away. The tilting of the Virgins head demonstrates the closeness and inseparable connection of the Virgin and the Child. The Virgins zealous expression and long devoted thoughts gives the viewers the treasures of the Child as he was brought to this new world. The virgins face seems to be looking down at the child or more towards the bird. The bird represents and idea of a soul where dwelling place is heaven and is able to move to higher spheres of life. The virgins nose is...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Know-Nothing Party Opposed Immigration to America

The Know-Nothing Party Opposed Immigration to America Of all the American political parties in existence in the 19th century, perhaps none generated more controversy than the Know-Nothing Party, or the Know-Nothings. Officially known as the American Party, it originally emerged from secret societies organized to violently oppose immigration to America. Its shadowy beginnings, and popular nickname, meant it would eventually go down  in history as something of a joke. Yet in their time, the Know-Nothings made their dangerous presence known- and no one was laughing. The party unsuccessfully ran candidates for president, including, in one disastrous effort, former president Millard Fillmore. While the party failed at the national level, in local races the anti-immigrant message was often very popular. Adherents to the Know-Nothings strident message also served in Congress and at various local levels of government. Nativism in America As immigration from Europe increased in the early 1800s, citizens who had been born in the United States began to feel resentment at the new arrivals. Those opposed to immigrants became known as nativists. Violent encounters between immigrants and native-born Americans would occasionally occur in American cities in the 1830s and early 1840s. In July 1844, riots broke out in the city of Philadelphia. Nativists battled Irish immigrants, and two Catholic churches and a Catholic school were burned by mobs. At least 20 people were killed in the mayhem. In New York City, Archbishop John Hughes called upon the Irish to defend the original St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Mott Street. Irish parishioners, rumored to be heavily armed, occupied the churchyard, and the anti-immigrant mobs that had paraded in the city were scared off from attacking the cathedral. No Catholic churches were burned in New York. The catalyst for this upsurge in the nativist movement was an increase in immigration in the 1840s, especially the great numbers of Irish immigrants who flooded East Coast cities during the years of the Great Famine in the late 1840s. The  fear at the time sounded much like fears expressed about immigrants today: outsiders will come in and take jobs or perhaps even seize political power. Emergence of the Know-Nothing Party Several small political parties espousing nativist doctrine existed in the early 1800s, among them the American Republican Party and the Nativist Party. At the same time, secret societies, such as the Order of United Americans and the Order of the Star-Spangled Banner, sprang up in American cities. Their members were sworn to keep immigrants out of America, or at least to keep them segregated from mainstream society once they arrived. Members of established political parties were at times baffled by these organizations, as their leaders would not publicly reveal themselves. And members, when asked about the organizations, were instructed to answer, â€Å"I know nothing.† Hence, the nickname for the political party that grew out of these organizations, the American Party, formed in 1849. Know-Nothing Followers The Know-Nothings and their anti-immigrant and anti-Irish fervor became a popular movement for a time. Lithographs sold in the 1850s depict a young man described in a caption as Uncle Sams Youngest Son, Citizen Know Nothing. The Library of Congress, which holds a copy of such a print, describes it by noting the portrait is representing the nativist ideal of the Know Nothing Party. Many Americans, of course, were appalled by the Know-Nothings. Abraham Lincoln expressed his own disgust with the political party in a letter written in 1855. Lincoln noted that if the Know-Nothings ever took power, the Declaration of Independence would have to be amended to say that all men are created equal except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics. Lincoln went on to say he would rather emigrate to Russia, where despotism is out in the open, than live in such an America. The Partys Platform The basic premise of the party was a strong, if not virulent, stand against immigration and immigrants. Know-Nothing candidates had to be born in the United States. And there was also a concerted effort to agitate to change the laws so that only immigrants who had lived in the U.S. for 25 years could become citizens. Such a lengthy residency requirement for citizenship had a deliberate purpose: it would mean that recent arrivals, especially the Irish Catholics coming to the U.S. in great numbers, would not be able to vote for many years. Performance in Elections The Know-Nothings organized nationally throughout the early 1850s, under the leadership of James W. Barker, a New York City merchant and political leader. They ran candidates for office in 1854, and had some success in local elections in the northeast. In New York City, a notorious bare-knuckles boxer named Bill Poole, also known as Bill the Butcher, led gangs of enforcers who would fan out on election days, intimidating voters.   In 1856 former president Millard Fillmore ran as the Know-Nothing candidate for president. The campaign was a disaster. Fillmore, who had originally been a Whig, refused to subscribe to the Know-Nothing’s obvious prejudice against Catholics and immigrants. His stumbling campaign ended, not surprisingly, in a crushing defeat (James Buchanan won on the Democratic ticket, beating Fillmore as well as Republican candidate John C. Fremont). End of the Party In the mid-1850s, the American Party, which had been neutral on the slavery issue, came to align itself with the pro-slavery position. As the power base of Know-Nothings was in the northeast, that proved to be the wrong position to take. The stance on slavery probably hastened the decline of the Know-Nothings. In 1855, Poole, the partys main enforcer, was shot in a barroom confrontation by a rival from another political faction. He lingered for nearly two weeks before dying, and  tens of thousands of spectators gathered as his body was carried through the streets of lower Manhattan during his funeral. Despite such shows of public support, the party was fracturing. According to an  1869 obituary of Know-Nothing leader James W. Barker in the New York Times, Barker had essentially left the party in the late 1850s and threw his support behind Republican candidate Abraham Lincoln in the election of 1860.  By 1860, the Know-Nothings Party was essentially a relic, and it  joined the list of  extinct political parties  in America. Legacy   The nativist movement in America did not begin with the Know-Nothings, and it certainly didn’t end with them. Prejudice against new immigrants continued throughout the 19th century. And, of course, it has never ended completely.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

ESSAY To what extent has the nature of power in Western liberal

To what extent has the nature of power in Western liberal democratic states changed in recent decades In your answer, ex - Essay Example Modern democracy can be dated from the late 18th century although medieval Poland and some states of the Greek cities had democratic aspects. Democracy as the rule by people. In order for a country to be considered democratic, it should choose its leaders using competitive and fair elections. It should adhere to the constitution and ensure fundamental civil liberties. While some analysts assert that a democracy needs to have a strong civil society, civic culture, and capitalist economy, others do not include these criteria when defining democracy. Democratization is therefore the process by which a country adopts such a regime as defined above. This means that when a country is democratized, it is democratic. It also means that every other person is entitled to his or her opinion regarding matters that concern governance. Unlike dictatorial regimes where one voice speaks and others follow, in democratic regimes it is the voices of the majority rule. This means that in case of electio ns or matters that bring disagreement, every person is given an opportunity to stand by what he or she thinks is the right option. As stated above democratization is a relatively recent practice. In the early days, monarchs ruled nations. These were kings and queens and in some cases, the church. The king’s word was final. ... There however seems to be little agreement among political analysts regarding how the process of democratization occurs, including the criteria used to ascertain if democratization has indeed occurred. Many countries adopt democratic governments only to watch them collapse through military coups and other revolts that lead to authoritarian regimes. The first pointer is that citizens should be able to govern themselves by conducting regular elections, which determine their top leaders periodically. This is referred to as representative democracy. These regular elections also serve as avenues through which policies that govern the people are chosen. An example is the voting process which determines if a constitution is to be passed or not through a referendum. Secondly, the right to vote is accorded to all adults. This however has been a recent addition since governments that were referred to as democratic not so long ago used to exclude women, slaves, and free males who did not meet c ertain literacy or property requirements. If a country restricts this franchise from the voting process, then it cannot be considered as democratic. A perfect example is the apartheid regime in South Africa whereby the only people who voted were minority whites. The third indicator is the acceptance of democratic rights. These particular rights include the right to contest for the highest office, the right to have everyone’s vote count equally, the right to vote and the right to create and form political parties and groups. Then there is a law, which is above the state. All authorities on the particular country should adhere to this law. It provides the framework for democratic rule and protects the democratic rights of the people. Therefore,

Friday, October 18, 2019

SOCIOLINGUISTICS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

SOCIOLINGUISTICS - Essay Example However, quantitative study is the ideal methodology in studying variations in English language as a second language because it clearly outlines effects of language transfer. There have been a number of notable studies in the field of sociolinguistics from the view of English as a second language. However, in this case the main focus is on two studies. The first one was conducted in New York City by William Labov where he investigated the variations in pronouncing variable /r/. Labov argued that New Yorkers, especially the young people, had developed a tendency of pronouncing /r/ variable after vowels in their speech. This case would probably occur while pronouncing words like floor and fourth. Labov conducted his research in three stores in the city which included S. Klein, Saks, and Macy’s. His approach in testing these hypotheses involved face to face interviews with the store employees. He repetitively asked for directions to departments in the fourth floor and intentional ly made the respondent to repeat â€Å"fourth floor† pretending not to have heard it the first time (Wardhaugh, 2006). Moreover, the research involved a number of social factors such as social-classes ranging from high, middle, to low class. Labov found out that a significant number of employees in all the three stores never used variable /r/ in the first respond. The results of those employees who never used variable /r/ reflected 79 percent in S. Klein, 38 percent in Saks and 49 percent in Macy’s. However, in the second or third response of same words, the percentage of those using variable /r/ increased. The research also showed that variable /r/ was mostly observed while pronouncing â€Å"floor† than â€Å"fourth†. These in relation to individuals using English as a second language shows that there are higher possibilities of such individuals using /r/ variable in most cases. Labov further examined the results from the three stores and discovered that young employees, in Saks, used the variable /r/ more compared to elderly employees. On the other hand, Macy’s data showed an increase in the use of /r/ variable with age while S. Klein’s data did not show much variation. These results led Labov to conclude that, there is relatively minimal or no change of pronunciation developed in adolescence regardless of the social-class of an individual (Wardhaugh, 2006). Later, Labov conducted a more compressive research to test the hypothesis on pronunciation of the /r/ variable in relation to social class. He discovered that most upper middle class people in New York value pronunciation of the /r/ variable in words such as guard and car. This is, however, contrary to the history of / r/ variable pronunciation in New York. Use of variable /r/ in New York between eighteenth century and World War II had reduced significantly. Therefore, the only explanation behind the tremendous increase in using /r/ variable in New York would be the influence of immigrants, mostly English second language speakers, moving into the city (Bayley, 2005). Therefore, using English as a second language contributes to variation in the use of language. In this case, Labov interviewed more New Yorker, although this time, they were just required to give their view about the people whose speech differs only in pronunciation of /r/ variable. People between the age group of 0-20 years approved and used more of

Enterprise Architecture Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words

Enterprise Architecture - Assignment Example hrough the EAs, business organizations can put into practice enterprise integration to deal with ever-increasing changing business environment (Kang et al., 2010; TechTarget, 2007). Additionally, EA allows the business organizations to set objectives and make use of the latest tools and technologies to achieve these objectives. In this scenario, this paper presents a detailed discussion on one of the most useful EA frameworks known as customer relationship management (CRM). This paper will start with a brief overview of enterprise architecture, after that we will discuss about customer relationship management. This paper will discuss the latest applications of CRM and new developments in this area. The basic purpose of this research is to show that how enterprise architecture helps achieve organizational objectives. According to Korhonen (2010), the enterprise architecture is an important technique to support the corporate decision making as well as forming and implementing an effective strategy with the organizational structure. Basically, an EA provides a broad depiction for the comparison of the present status and projected future position of a business organization with respect to appropriate framework and their associations. Additionally, in a dynamic business environment, particularly, it is core which comprises analytical techniques that facilitate a variety of kinds of impact analyses on hypothetical transformed mechanisms and scenarios that express business value of architecture solutions (Korhonen, 2010). In their research Creswick (2005) presents a detailed discussion on the implementation of enterprise architectures. According to their viewpoint, the trend of implementing latest enterprise architectures for the business organizations is growing with the passage of time and gaining acceptance in IT businesses today. This is mainly for the reason that US Government authorized the federal enterprise architecture, as well as also the rising complexity of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Eros Plus Massacre by Yoshishige Yoshida Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Eros Plus Massacre by Yoshishige Yoshida - Essay Example As a breakthrough from an orthodox filming tradition during the 60s, Yoshida utilized a technique of combining the intricacies of history and art in a craft which exposes the nature of sexuality in its portrayal of the central purpose in designating characters according to gender traits. For one to analyze the film fully, one needs to examine how it had been created by the New Wave movement in the light of blending formal with political radicalism. Essentially, if the concept of formal radicalism must be present in visual arts as in film, it would be expected to project the opposite of an ‘embodiment’ which otherwise serves as the typical function of an art piece. In â€Å"Eros Plus Massacre†, the art as it occurs in the perception of the audience seems to be formally radical as it shapes itself into the form that could be understood rather less figuratively for the lack of conspicuous representation. While the film may be observed with components that require a v iewer to invest in depth of psychological insight, the analogies between the past and the present thematic characters make no representative meaning of each other yet they bear reflexivity to an extent that the art communicates back to itself in the attempt to allow comprehension of its main thrust. To fulfil the objective of a formally radical work, hence, director Yoshida brings the fragmented narrative technique to proceed as shooting of alternate sequences in which the life of Eiko, being a liberated young woman with a circle of lovers in contemporary period, is patterned after the life of Sakae Osugi, an anarchical male figure who, during his conservative time, is known for his philosophy on absolute freedom when it comes to love and sex relations. In a conventional approach, Eiko could have portrayed a more natural role where, instead of knowing about Osugi, she could be made to resemble his lifestyle as an independent entity whose kind or composition embodies that of him. Thi s, however, is not the case since the formal radicalization of the narrative conveys both lives as intertwined for Eiko assumes the position of a researcher in pursuit of studies regarding Osugi’s socio-political principles and way of living. So, in this manner, her quest of identity based on a strong character of the past renders for her a sense of ‘self-awareness’ at the time being. The viewers are hereafter bent to realize that the personal exploration of Eiko depends not solely on the pure nature she is in the absence of external influence, but on her constant social relations and passionate interest on learning from the lives of Osugi and Noe Ito. Apparently, in Yoshida’s filming process, â€Å"Eros Plus Massacre† leads the audience to understand that the theme of the motion picture becomes increasingly attached to the knowledge of the character in dramatic view which then makes the film ‘self-aware’ as it shifts the sight and feel of viewers between private and social dimensions. One such stimulating scene in which this has materialized is when Eiko, in focus, touches herself in the shower and the tracking shot from top to bottom of her glass-covered wet body mobilizes her erotic imagination through a couple of supposedly invisible male hands in fondling motion as though they were actually upon her skin. As a critical viewer during the film watch, I have

Animal Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Animal Life - Essay Example My weekly snippets in my journal are not only interesting but also endearing. She is the pet of the house and everyone dote on her, including myself. She is a Lhasa apso and is cream in color with a small light brown patch on her back. She is an otherwise well behaved dog except for the fact that she cannot resist chasing the cats around the house. Even today as I opened the door to one of my friends, Trixy escaped and the next thing I knew was that she ran chasing after the cats. After her game was over, she went to her place under the chair and had a real good nap. I was sitting near the window of the living room at my home and was glancing out at all the activity taking place when all of a sudden I noticed Trixy nosing her way to my gate. I quickly ran outside and opened the gate for her and came back to my place at the window. The little dog was fascinating to watch and before I knew it, she had gone to the corner of my garden and began circling around still keeping her nose to the ground. I wondered what she was up to and was soon surprised to find that she began scraping the earth with her paw and again smelt around the area. Very soon she got down to work by digging the soil vigorously. I wanted to go and stop her but was curious as to why she was digging. Finally the digging stopped and the scruffy little creature looked at something sticking through the mud. She sniffed hard again and after making sure that that was what she wanted, held it between her teeth and tugged hard. Trixy fell backwards and went for a small tumble as the object came loose. She happily picked it up and went to another corner of the garden and after circling the place a couple of times, she sat down and started nibbling at the object which was a very old and dry bone, that she must have hidden there quite some time ago! Week 4'''. Running after the cats. Trixy's favorite pastime was playing with a ball. Every time I happened to see her loitering around my garden, I would run inside and get the colored ball I had bought for her to play. As I sat on my doorstep and admired the flowers in the garden on a bright Saturday morning, I spotted Trixy, trying to push open the garden gate and come in. I quickly opened the gate for her and ranDog'.4 to get the ball. She was delighted at the sight of the ball and jumped high and caught it in her mouth as I threw it in the air. She was wagging her tail vigorously and barked loudly as she ran to and fro with the ball. When I threw the ball towards one of the corners in the garden, Trixy rushed to fetch it and the next moment, I heard the screech of a cat. I looked in the direction of the noise to find that Trixy had jumped on the cat who was snugly curled up in the corner. The hair on the cat's back stood

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Eros Plus Massacre by Yoshishige Yoshida Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Eros Plus Massacre by Yoshishige Yoshida - Essay Example As a breakthrough from an orthodox filming tradition during the 60s, Yoshida utilized a technique of combining the intricacies of history and art in a craft which exposes the nature of sexuality in its portrayal of the central purpose in designating characters according to gender traits. For one to analyze the film fully, one needs to examine how it had been created by the New Wave movement in the light of blending formal with political radicalism. Essentially, if the concept of formal radicalism must be present in visual arts as in film, it would be expected to project the opposite of an ‘embodiment’ which otherwise serves as the typical function of an art piece. In â€Å"Eros Plus Massacre†, the art as it occurs in the perception of the audience seems to be formally radical as it shapes itself into the form that could be understood rather less figuratively for the lack of conspicuous representation. While the film may be observed with components that require a v iewer to invest in depth of psychological insight, the analogies between the past and the present thematic characters make no representative meaning of each other yet they bear reflexivity to an extent that the art communicates back to itself in the attempt to allow comprehension of its main thrust. To fulfil the objective of a formally radical work, hence, director Yoshida brings the fragmented narrative technique to proceed as shooting of alternate sequences in which the life of Eiko, being a liberated young woman with a circle of lovers in contemporary period, is patterned after the life of Sakae Osugi, an anarchical male figure who, during his conservative time, is known for his philosophy on absolute freedom when it comes to love and sex relations. In a conventional approach, Eiko could have portrayed a more natural role where, instead of knowing about Osugi, she could be made to resemble his lifestyle as an independent entity whose kind or composition embodies that of him. Thi s, however, is not the case since the formal radicalization of the narrative conveys both lives as intertwined for Eiko assumes the position of a researcher in pursuit of studies regarding Osugi’s socio-political principles and way of living. So, in this manner, her quest of identity based on a strong character of the past renders for her a sense of ‘self-awareness’ at the time being. The viewers are hereafter bent to realize that the personal exploration of Eiko depends not solely on the pure nature she is in the absence of external influence, but on her constant social relations and passionate interest on learning from the lives of Osugi and Noe Ito. Apparently, in Yoshida’s filming process, â€Å"Eros Plus Massacre† leads the audience to understand that the theme of the motion picture becomes increasingly attached to the knowledge of the character in dramatic view which then makes the film ‘self-aware’ as it shifts the sight and feel of viewers between private and social dimensions. One such stimulating scene in which this has materialized is when Eiko, in focus, touches herself in the shower and the tracking shot from top to bottom of her glass-covered wet body mobilizes her erotic imagination through a couple of supposedly invisible male hands in fondling motion as though they were actually upon her skin. As a critical viewer during the film watch, I have

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Business law case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Business law case - Essay Example The quasi-contract in this case definitely means that there has been a contract which is implied. Jennings implied through his written letter that he was going to keep the car till October 9th if Wheeler wanted to purchase it. The next question, since we have already established the fact that Jennings and Wheeler had a contract, is whether Jennings was in breach. We know that when someone is in breach of contract, basically they are not fulfilling their contractual obligations. This means that Wheeler has the ability to legally sue Jennings on the grounds that he was in breach of contract. It is important to understand that, since Jennings sold the car without Wheeler’s permission, and since Jennings had given the first priority to Wheeler, technically he had automatically been in breach. What is important to remember is that Jennings and Wheeler were in a quasi-contract, which means it was an implied contract. However, implied contracts are no less valid than explicit contracts. It was decided that Jennings was in breach, thus he could legally be sued by Wheeler if Wheeler desired to do

Monday, October 14, 2019

Mcdonalds Great Britain - the Turnaround Essay Example for Free

Mcdonalds Great Britain the Turnaround Essay Summary of the Problem McDonalds spacious Britain experienced a great deal of hardships and changes. McDonalds US sales have steadily change magnitude but Great Britain has not shown any significant increase. The solid ground for the sluggish sales is because of new chains such as Yo! sushi and Nandos Chicken Restaurants which tickled the Great Britains taste. An issue in the fast food industry is the mad cow sc are. at that place are some comments about McDonalds Great Britain standardised a guy just go to McDonalds for a last resort, the texture, the taste and the feel of the burger was different than before. Also, passel are becoming more health conscious. There was also a lawsuit with McDonalds and two green peace activists. For teenagers, McDonalds appeal to their taste thats why McDonalds UK profit 118 Million (in Euro). Lastly, the company monitors news articles and television references. In Great Britain, they have been rated either as negative or deaf(p). They have taken these comments and certain steps to reverse the trend. They developed new menus composed of salads, grilled chicken and fruits. Their burgers and original menus were modify to suit their audiences taste. They also developed new recipes. They informed people about their foods dietary information. They also got Destinys fry to advertise for the new salad line and they brewed coffee in receipt to the rising coffee house trend. CEO of McDonalds UK has a vision for them. They have to give more value to the customer in order to upgrade the McDonalds experience. They should get fundament to the basics of service and cleanliness. They will re-invent their food with various changes in their ingredients to suit the taste of the customers. The CEO wants McDonalds to become eat restaurant because they have opportunities there.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki History Essay

The Bombing Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki History Essay Introduction Americas decision to use two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II has been a topic of intense debate for years following the incident. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki are one of best documented historical events in history, while provoking lasting, fervently heated reactions. The purpose of this research paper is to explore the events of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, examine the causes, interpretations and consequences of the bombings. History of Hiroshima The early history of Hiroshima dates back to the 6th century, when some of the first Shinto Shrines were erected on Hiroshima bay (Cameron, 2005). Modern Hiroshima, meaning wide island, was founded in 1589 (Cameron, 2005). The citys many canals and wharves made importing goods from the countryside easy, while its bridges connected all parts of the growing metropolis. Hiroshima had become such an important base for the Japanese military that the Imperial Headquarters were temporarily relocated there. Summer 1945 The time period is summer of 1945, the United States and its allies have been at war with Germany and just concluded peace (Mishler, 2008). The United States has also been at war with Imperial Japan since the attack on Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941(Mishler, 2008). During the course of the war in Japan, America had a very important decision to make. One of the options was to drop a newly tested bomb on the Japanese hoping to get them to swiftly surrender.   The latter option was to have a mass land invasion on Japan and hope to defeat with total force. No matter what option was selected, it was known that a substantial amount of casualties would ensue. When President Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, Vice President Harry S. Truman became president (Constitutional Rights Foundation). At this time, President Truman attempted to fill the spot that President Roosevelt occupied for twelve years. Truman was thrust into a role that he was not necessarily prepared for and into an administration that had been operating essentially without his input (Kort, 2007). Unfortunately, Roosevelt had never included his vice president in discussions about the atomic bomb. Two weeks after becoming president, he was finally fully briefed about the gadget, as General Groves called the bomb (Constitutional Rights Foundation). Secretary of War Stimson took the primary role of filling in President Truman on the details of the Manhattan Project, which Truman had known nothing about (Kort, 2007). According to Kort (2007), the Manhattan Project was led by a variety of scientific discoveries in the 1920s and 1930s. During this time of scientific innovation, Hitler had been steadily rising to power in Germany, and before long, physicist Leo Szilard and fellow Hungarians Eugene Wigner and Edward Teller became worried (Kort, 2007).   They decided that the President of the United States must be informed about the new fission technology that had been discovered, which they believed was capable of making bombs.   The three physicists enlisted the help of Albert Einstein, the foremost scientist in that period, and together they drafted a letter addressed to President Roosevelt (Kort, 2007). Albert Einsteins famous 1939 letter, drafted by physicist Leo Szilard (who was named Humanist of the Year some twenty years later), convinced President Roosevelt to start the Manhattan Project, describing their beliefs that nuclear fission Would lead to the construction of bombs, and it is conc eivable that extremely powerful bombs of a new type may thus be constructed (Milam, 2010). The mixture of Frances fall to Germany in 1940, the belief that Germany was ahead in the race for the atomic bomb, and the bombing of Pearl Harbor soon influenced Roosevelt that something more had to be done on this atomic research (Kort, 2007).   Roosevelt quickly assigned his top security advisors to form committees on this project, and to determine what should be done and how. By the end of 1942, bomb research had become bomb assembly, and the Manhattan Project was now run by the military (Milam, 2010). The Bombing Henry L. Stimson, the secretary of war from 1940 to 1945, would influence President Trumans crucial decision on whether to invade or bomb Japan (Sherwin, 1995). On the morning of August 6, 1945, the United States U.S. Army Air Forces B-29 Enola Gay dropped a uranium gun type device code named Little Boy on the city of Hiroshima (Military History, 2009). There were some 350,000 people living in Hiroshima, Japan, on August 6, 1945. Approximately 140,000 died that day and in the five months that followed (Military History, 2009). Blackened, bloodied, skinless masses of corpses were floating in macabre positions in the Kyuohotagawa and the Motoyasugawa rivers. Long lines of shuffling figuresclothes burned right off the body; hair standing on end or singed off the scalp; skin peeling and dripping off arms, legs, backs; hands outstretched, zombie-likewere all wandering blindly after the bombing (Military History, 2009). This hellish scene was played out in utter darkness, for the mushroom cloud, that carrier of black rain and persistent death, had turned day into night and modern technology into humanitys greatest nemesis (Military History, 2009). According to Cameron (2005), after the Bombing of Hiroshima, President Truman issued this statement in reference to the use of a new weapon and promising the following: If they do not now accept our terms, they may expect a rain of ruin from the air, the like of which has never been seen on this earth. Behind this air attack will follow sea and land forces in such numbers and power as they have not yet seen and with the fighting skill of which they are already well aware and power as they have not yet seen and with the fighting skill of which they are already well aware. The Emperor did not respond and three days later, the B-29 Bockscar levels much of Nagasaki with a plutonium implosion type device code named Fat Man (Military History, 2009). Its estimated that the second bomb on the Japanese city of Nagasaki on August 9 claimed another 80,000 lives (Military History, 2009). The same day, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan. Hirohito said that continuing the war can only mean destruction for the nation. He then declared that Japan must accept surrender (Constitutional Rights Foundation). Interpretations There are various views related to the use of the atomic bombs and their rationalization. The nuclear attacks on Japan were justified in an effort to win the war with the fewest casualties possible. Some believe that because Japanese soldiers were known for their vicious fighting styles, the invasion of Japan would have led to American casualties in the hundreds of thousands or maybe even millions (OConnor, 2010). Additional explanations include that the US spent almost 2 billion dollars developing the bombs and those costs needed to be justified (OConnor, 2010). Even for their swift demolition, the Hiroshima and the Nagasaki bombs were extremely inefficient. Only one of the fifty kilograms of uranium present detonated in Little Boy the affectionate nickname given to that weapon of mass destruction by those responsible (Milam, 2010). Hiroshima could have been even more horrifying than it was if one dares imagine. After all, the best minds in the world were feverishly working on these projects (Milam, 2010). Ironically, Einstein later became a peace activist and days before his death signed Bertrand Russells 1955 Russell-Einstein Manifesto along with ten other esteemed scientists and intellectuals (Milam, 2010). It begins with the words: In the tragic situation which confronts humanity, we feel that scientists should assemble in conference to appraise the perils that have arisen as a result of the development of weapons of mass destruction. It ends with the oft-repeated phrase: We appeal as human beings to human beings: Remember your humanity, and forget the rest (Milam, 2010). Secretary of war, Stimson, later revealed that the decision to use the atomic bomb was in part intended to satisfy the doubts of that rather difficult class of community which will have charge of the education of the next generation, namely educators and historians (Sherwin, 1995). He also wrote that the sole motivation was to save American lives by ending the war as quickly as possible (Sherwin, 1995). What he failed to discuss were the Japanese messages intercepted by United States military intelligence indicating that the Japanese had been trying to surrender conditionally since June of 1945 (Sherwin, 1945). Consequences The effects of the bombings were massive on all levels. The lives of the Japanese were forever affected. Tsutomu Yamaguchi, then a 29-year-old ship engineer with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, was walking to the company shipyard in Hiroshima when Little Boy, the worlds first strategic atomic bomb, detonated in midair less than 2 miles away (Military History, 2009). The blast knocked him unconscious, burst his left eardrum and burned his upper torso. Three days later, back home in Nagasaki, Yamaguchi was recounting his story to a skeptical boss when Fat Man, the second strategic atomic bomb, exploded over that city, also less than 2 miles away (Military History, 2009). The shock wave knocked both men to the floor and tore off Yamaguchis bandages (Military History, 2009). The engineer spent more than a decade recovering from his physical injuries. His wife and infant son escaped the Nagasaki explosion with minor wounds, but the family was plagued by poor health. His son died of cancer in 2005 at age 59 (Military History, 2009). Yamaguchi is now formally recognized as a double-hibakusha (explosion-affected person) and has become a vocal proponent of nuclear disarmament (Military History, 2009). The reason that I hate the atomic bomb is because of what it does to the dignity of human beings, Yamaguchi explained to The Times. Having been granted this miracle, it is my responsibility to pass on the truth, (Military History, 2009). According to Cameron (2005), 226,598 officially certified survivors of the atomic bombings are still alive in Japan today. The actual number of hibakusha is likely much larger, as many could not meet the strict and sometimes subjective qualifications for certification, while others have left Japan. The average age of these witnesses, however, is now seventy-three. Most have been struggling with radiation-related illness for much of their lives, and death will surely have silenced the majority of them by the seventieth anniversary of the bombing in 2015 (Cameron, 2005). Then fourteen year-old Akihiro Takahashi remembers waiting to go into his classroom then waking up with burns all over his body. He made his way to the river to try to extinguish his burning flesh (Cameron, 2005). His physical suffering had only begun; he now must visit a hospital daily for hour-long treatments for liver cancer and the admission that he worries every day about his health (Cameron, 2005). In addition to health related effects endured, there were also international effects of the atomic bombings. World War II came to an end and a peace treaty was formed between the United States, Japan and forty eight nations (OConnor, 2010). Creators of the bomb had not received the feelings towards the bomb that they predicted and the scientists soon came to the conclusion that this bomb should not be used (Cameron, 2005).    Conclusion The decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan was one of the most controversial issues of the twentieth century. The bombings will continue to remain a heated debate for many years to come. The exact strength of mind for the use of the atomic bombs will never be fully understood and the same question will be asked time and time again, Did it have to happen?

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Tribes of India :: essays research papers

Indian Tribes : Among the 68 million citizens of India who are members of tribal groups, the Indian tribal religious concepts, terminologies, and practices are as varied as the hundreds of tribes, but members of these groups have one thing in common: they are under constant pressure from the major organized religions. Some of this pressure is intentional, as outside missionaries work among tribal groups to gain converts. Most of the pressure, however, comes from the process of integration within a national political and economic system that brings tribes into increasing contact with other groups and different, prestigious belief systems. In general, those tribes that remain geographically isolated in desert, hill, and forest regions or on islands are able to retain their traditional cultures and religions longer. Those tribes that make the transition away from hunting and gathering and toward sedentary agriculture, usually as low-status laborers, find their ancient religious forms in decay and their place filled by practices of Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, or Buddhism. One of the most studied tribal religions is that of the Santal of Orissa, Bihar, and West Bengal, one of the largest tribes in India, having a population estimated at 4.2 million. According to the 1991 census, however, only 23,645 people listed Santal as their religious belief. According to the Santal religion, the supreme deity, who ultimately controls the entire universe, is Thakurji. The weight of belief, however, falls on a court of spirits (bonga ), who handle different aspects of the world and who must be placated with prayers and offerings in order to ward off evil influences. These spirits operate at the village, household, ancestor, and subclan level, along with evil spirits that cause disease, and can inhabit village boundaries, mountains, water, tigers, and the forest. A characteristic feature of the Santal village is a sacred grove on the edge of the settlement where many spirits live and where a series of annual festivals take place. The most important spirit is Maran Buru (Great Mountain), who is invoked whenever offerings are made and who instructed the first Santals in sex and brewing of rice beer. Maran Buru's consort is the benevolent Jaher Era (Lady of the Grove). A yearly round of rituals connected with the agricultural cycle, along with life-cycle rituals for birth, marriage and burial at death, involves petitions to the spirits and offerings that include the sacrifice of animals, usually birds. Religious leaders are male specialists in medical cures who practice divination and witchcraft.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Accounting Records Required Essay

The general rule of the Companies Act of the Section 167(1) state that every company and the directors and managers thereof shall cause to be kept such accounting and other records as will sufficiently explain the transactions and financial position of the company and enable true and fair profit and loss accounts and balance sheets and any documents required to be attached thereto to be prepared from time to time, and shall cause those records to be kept in such manner as to enable them to be conveniently and properly audited. Thus, Beta Sdn Bhd, a private company, shall keep the accounting and other records of the company. The Beta Sdn Bhd, the company is required to keep records of the company’s financial transactions. The records must contain sufficient detail to enable the financial position of the company to be determined at any time and so that the directors can ensure that any profit and loss account or balance sheet complies with the requirements of the Companies Act 1965. The records should contain all details of any income and expenditure and a record of the company’s assets and liabilities. By virtue of section 167(3), the Beta Sdn Bhd should kept the records at the registered office that referred to in subsection (1) or at such other places in Malaysia as the directors think fit and shall at all times be open to inspection by the directors. See more: Homelessness as a social problem Essay The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which disclose with reasonable accuracy at all times the ? nancial position of the company and enable them to ensure that the ? nancial statements comply with the Companies Act 1965. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the Company and consequently for taking all possible steps for the prevention and detection of fraud and other irregularities. By virtue of section 169 (14) every balance sheet of the private company, Beta Sdn Bhd shall give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company as at the end of the period to which it relates and every profit and loss account shall give a true and fair view of the profit or loss of the company for the period of accounting as shown in the accounting and other records of the company, and without affecting the generality of the foregoing, every such balance sheet and profit and loss account shall comply with the requirements of the Ninth Schedule so far as applicable thereto.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Senior Nuts

Human beings are born with numerous natural instincts; yet, none is as basic as the instinct of survival. Though many people may never need it, it is an invaluable knowledge given to us by God. Humans are born to live and consequently they are born with the ability to survive. When we talk about ‘survival skills’ we consider ways in which we can fulfill our most urgent needs in any situation. Via many years of societal evolution, we have lost our ability to provide for ourselves if we don’t have access to a store, and have become ignorant on how to survive in the wilderness.If you can find food and water, and you can make fire and shelter, then you can survive in the wilderness. And when it comes time to find your way out of your situation, you will need to know how to navigate without a phone, gps, compass, or map. However, should you find yourself lacking one of these five components; you will not survive, or ecape, unless the void is compensated. It is a simple fact that if you do not eat then you will not live. However, finding food is much more complicated than it seems. The methods for finding and getting hold of wild food in a particular kind of country usually require detailed local knowledge† (Bridge 270). Unfortunately, when in a survival situation detailed knowledge of an area and its edible plants is not always an asset. In addition, it is rare for you to have a fishing pole or any kind of hunting equipment. Thus, you might find yourself literally up the creek without a paddle. However, there are a few ways to find food, and a few well-known plants that are edible. First of all, you must take advantage of your location.It can be difficult to catch animals on land thus you must find edible plants. Among the well-known edible plants are blackberries, black walnuts, cattail, daylily buds, hickory nuts, acorns, and morning glory leaves (Edible). However, it is often difficult to discern these edible plants from their poisonous peers. There is an edibility test you can use when faced with this situation. You must simply take a plant and rub it on a sensitive part of your body, the inside of the wrist for example, and wait fifteen minutes.If there isn't any adverse effect then you should chew a very small amount of the plant for five minutes and see if there is any adverse effect. If, after this, you still feel fine then swallow the plant and wait eight hours. If you are still feeling okay then eat a small handful and wait another eight hours. If nothing happens then it is okay for you to eat the plant sparingly. (Edibility Test) Some other tips for finding edible food include avoiding all plants with white sap, tiny hairs, umbrella shaped flowers and white or green berries.In addition, you should stay away from mushrooms and fungi, plants with bulb roots and fruits from plants with shiny leaves. Aggregate berries such as raspberries are always edible, as are single fruits on a stem. With this information y ou can find food and pass step one of surviving. However, it is very important that if a water source is not available you should not eat because water is required for digestion (Equipped). The second step to surviving is finding, or creating shelter. Exposure to extreme heat or cold can result in death from only three hours of exposure.Consequently, finding a shelter or constructing you out of the resources around you is vital. An example of this is when a married couple and their young child found themselves stranded in a snow bank. Before going out to seek help the man built his wife and child a cave in the snow. Without this cave, the man's family would have almost certainly died (Survival). Regardless of the scenario, a shelter is needed and should be constructed in a safe environment. You should avoid camping in meadows because of the mosquitoes and you should be cautious of animal shelters.Shelters can also be constructed out of tarps, tree branches, and snow. It is unfortuna te that humans have destroyed so much nature because we have made it harder for ourselves to survive by ruining trees, creating paths and destroying natural shelters. â€Å"It is rare than an overhanging rock that serves as a good shelter is even capable of being found these days† (Bridge 174). Perhaps the most important asset for survival is water. It would be a miracle if you survived for more than three days without water and there is no substitute for it. It is imperative that when driven by thirst you do not drink seawater, blood, or urine.These fluids will only hasten dehydration (Survival). In addition, you must know that thirst itself is not good indicator of hydration levels. You can be dehydrated and lack thirst. â€Å"Dark colored urine is the most reliable indication of significant dehydration† (Equipped). There are many ways to find water, but you should not push yourself too far. Rationing sweat is just as important as rationing water. You can find water by collecting dew or melting snow. You should avoid consuming un-melted snow because it lowers your body temperature. Follow animal tracks downhill; they might lead to a watering hole.Also, if you find yourself in an arid area, you should dig to find water. Even in a desert you can find water. Simply dig a hole in the sand, covering and suspending a plastic bag into it and collecting water, which condenses at the bottom of the plastic container. If bad comes to worse, you should not avoid drinking water that might be contaminated. Only do so as a last resort. An intestinal problem is much friendlier when contrasted with death (Equipped). For nearly every situation, fire will be the essence of your survival. Fire is the Swiss-army-knife of wilderness survival. It can play multiple roles.It provides warmth, and comfort, while cooking and preserving food. It also purifies water, signals for help, and provides protection from animals. †It can be a psychological boost by providing peace of mind, and companionship†. (FireCraft) To make a fire, you need to understand the mechanics of fire, and how it works. †Fuel ( in a nongaseous state)does not burn directly. † When heat is applied to the fuel, it creates a gas which, when mixed with air, burns. There are many types of fire structures, which can all be equally successful. The tepee style is the simplest, both to explain and to build.To make a tepee fire, you will arrange a tinder ball and stack small sticks around it in a cone shape. You will light it in the middle, causing the tinder ball to burn which catches the twigs on fire that then fall inward fueling the fire further. Once you are able and willing to escape the wilderness, you will need to figure out which way is north. An easy way of doing so is to create a make-shift compass rose on the ground. You can make this by sticking a leafless branch, which will cast a definite shadow, in the ground and marking the tip of the shadow, which g ives you the west heading.Wait for about fifteen minutes and mark the new point, giving you the east heading. Now stand with the west to your left and east to your right. You are now facing north. When on the move, be sure to leave yourself plenty of daylight to setup camp and to build a fire. With food, water, shelter and fire you can survive in the wilderness. Yet, in order to find these things you must try to maintain a positive mental attitude (Equipped). If you find yourself in a survival situation, you must prioritize: water then shelter then food. Never give up.As easy as giving up might seem when faced with death and lacking hope, you must keep on trying and you must think. Do not waste energy by doing before thinking. You must not panic. Your courage, resolution, self – discipline and the endurance have kept you sane, but food, shelter, and the water will keep you breathing. When you are out of the wilderness, be sure to better prepare yourself by always packing equi pment which will make your survival easier on you, and spread the word. Tell others; make sure that they don’t go through what you have just escaped from. Senior Nuts Human beings are born with numerous natural instincts; yet, none is as basic as the instinct of survival. Though many people may never need it, it is an invaluable knowledge given to us by God. Humans are born to live and consequently they are born with the ability to survive. When we talk about ‘survival skills’ we consider ways in which we can fulfill our most urgent needs in any situation. Via many years of societal evolution, we have lost our ability to provide for ourselves if we don’t have access to a store, and have become ignorant on how to survive in the wilderness.If you can find food and water, and you can make fire and shelter, then you can survive in the wilderness. And when it comes time to find your way out of your situation, you will need to know how to navigate without a phone, gps, compass, or map. However, should you find yourself lacking one of these five components; you will not survive, or ecape, unless the void is compensated. It is a simple fact that if you do not eat then you will not live. However, finding food is much more complicated than it seems. The methods for finding and getting hold of wild food in a particular kind of country usually require detailed local knowledge† (Bridge 270). Unfortunately, when in a survival situation detailed knowledge of an area and its edible plants is not always an asset. In addition, it is rare for you to have a fishing pole or any kind of hunting equipment. Thus, you might find yourself literally up the creek without a paddle. However, there are a few ways to find food, and a few well-known plants that are edible. First of all, you must take advantage of your location.It can be difficult to catch animals on land thus you must find edible plants. Among the well-known edible plants are blackberries, black walnuts, cattail, daylily buds, hickory nuts, acorns, and morning glory leaves (Edible). However, it is often difficult to discern these edible plants from their poisonous peers. There is an edibility test you can use when faced with this situation. You must simply take a plant and rub it on a sensitive part of your body, the inside of the wrist for example, and wait fifteen minutes.If there isn't any adverse effect then you should chew a very small amount of the plant for five minutes and see if there is any adverse effect. If, after this, you still feel fine then swallow the plant and wait eight hours. If you are still feeling okay then eat a small handful and wait another eight hours. If nothing happens then it is okay for you to eat the plant sparingly. (Edibility Test) Some other tips for finding edible food include avoiding all plants with white sap, tiny hairs, umbrella shaped flowers and white or green berries.In addition, you should stay away from mushrooms and fungi, plants with bulb roots and fruits from plants with shiny leaves. Aggregate berries such as raspberries are always edible, as are single fruits on a stem. With this information y ou can find food and pass step one of surviving. However, it is very important that if a water source is not available you should not eat because water is required for digestion (Equipped). The second step to surviving is finding, or creating shelter. Exposure to extreme heat or cold can result in death from only three hours of exposure.Consequently, finding a shelter or constructing you out of the resources around you is vital. An example of this is when a married couple and their young child found themselves stranded in a snow bank. Before going out to seek help the man built his wife and child a cave in the snow. Without this cave, the man's family would have almost certainly died (Survival). Regardless of the scenario, a shelter is needed and should be constructed in a safe environment. You should avoid camping in meadows because of the mosquitoes and you should be cautious of animal shelters.Shelters can also be constructed out of tarps, tree branches, and snow. It is unfortuna te that humans have destroyed so much nature because we have made it harder for ourselves to survive by ruining trees, creating paths and destroying natural shelters. â€Å"It is rare than an overhanging rock that serves as a good shelter is even capable of being found these days† (Bridge 174). Perhaps the most important asset for survival is water. It would be a miracle if you survived for more than three days without water and there is no substitute for it. It is imperative that when driven by thirst you do not drink seawater, blood, or urine.These fluids will only hasten dehydration (Survival). In addition, you must know that thirst itself is not good indicator of hydration levels. You can be dehydrated and lack thirst. â€Å"Dark colored urine is the most reliable indication of significant dehydration† (Equipped). There are many ways to find water, but you should not push yourself too far. Rationing sweat is just as important as rationing water. You can find water by collecting dew or melting snow. You should avoid consuming un-melted snow because it lowers your body temperature. Follow animal tracks downhill; they might lead to a watering hole.Also, if you find yourself in an arid area, you should dig to find water. Even in a desert you can find water. Simply dig a hole in the sand, covering and suspending a plastic bag into it and collecting water, which condenses at the bottom of the plastic container. If bad comes to worse, you should not avoid drinking water that might be contaminated. Only do so as a last resort. An intestinal problem is much friendlier when contrasted with death (Equipped). For nearly every situation, fire will be the essence of your survival. Fire is the Swiss-army-knife of wilderness survival. It can play multiple roles.It provides warmth, and comfort, while cooking and preserving food. It also purifies water, signals for help, and provides protection from animals. †It can be a psychological boost by providing peace of mind, and companionship†. (FireCraft) To make a fire, you need to understand the mechanics of fire, and how it works. †Fuel ( in a nongaseous state)does not burn directly. † When heat is applied to the fuel, it creates a gas which, when mixed with air, burns. There are many types of fire structures, which can all be equally successful. The tepee style is the simplest, both to explain and to build.To make a tepee fire, you will arrange a tinder ball and stack small sticks around it in a cone shape. You will light it in the middle, causing the tinder ball to burn which catches the twigs on fire that then fall inward fueling the fire further. Once you are able and willing to escape the wilderness, you will need to figure out which way is north. An easy way of doing so is to create a make-shift compass rose on the ground. You can make this by sticking a leafless branch, which will cast a definite shadow, in the ground and marking the tip of the shadow, which g ives you the west heading.Wait for about fifteen minutes and mark the new point, giving you the east heading. Now stand with the west to your left and east to your right. You are now facing north. When on the move, be sure to leave yourself plenty of daylight to setup camp and to build a fire. With food, water, shelter and fire you can survive in the wilderness. Yet, in order to find these things you must try to maintain a positive mental attitude (Equipped). If you find yourself in a survival situation, you must prioritize: water then shelter then food. Never give up.As easy as giving up might seem when faced with death and lacking hope, you must keep on trying and you must think. Do not waste energy by doing before thinking. You must not panic. Your courage, resolution, self – discipline and the endurance have kept you sane, but food, shelter, and the water will keep you breathing. When you are out of the wilderness, be sure to better prepare yourself by always packing equi pment which will make your survival easier on you, and spread the word. Tell others; make sure that they don’t go through what you have just escaped from.

Careless Whisper

Same with tactless, reckless, stupid.- the one who whispers, demand, control. â€Å"CARELESS WHISPERER† – it has something to do about our consciousness, conscience, and common sense as the one who whispers us to be careless.Authors: Raff yeoman Halibuts Glacial Marie Pedro okay Cyril clawing Diane Ethel Rodriguez herald taupe Date and place of composition: august 24, 2013 – event/topic thought by the group that took place in Xavier university's library fifth flu, around pm- pm August 27, 2013 – the topic was scudded by the group and shared inputs/ideas how to write about the topic. This was done in McDonald's divisor around pm- pm. August 30, 2013 – the group was able to write about the topic and starts to combine the work. This was done in raff yeoman's place around 1 pm- pm.August 31, 2013 – finalization of work, editing, and posting it to formal output. This was done in glacial marries place around pm- pm. The readers: The readers of this project are mainly the general public. Meaning everyone, everyone who's stupid enough to think that they are responsible regardless of the airless acts that they have been doing. PURPOSE: In our time now, a lot of people are in great trouble about being a responsible person. Responsible person towards themselves, other people, to the environment, and most especially to God.Are this people aware of what they have been doing? Do they think before they do something so careless to the extent of having the cost of others? This â€Å"careless† topic hopes to enlighten our minds and open our eyes to the naked truth of the obvious risk and reality of danger in the present. Contents: the contents of this project are the events/incidents that we have been witnessed on lily living. An act of carelessness has been witnessed after a high school student of Xavier university falls from the second floor of the university gymnasium.It happened outside the building barricade. Not considering the danger, the kid risk his chances jumping off the metal bars to get the ball. The floor was slippery for it was raining had made the major contribution on making him fall directly to the solid ground. The kid was not moving when I saw him. A campus security responded to him immediately and called for rescue. As I saw the kid's mouth drawing lots of blood, I felt bad for him. His careless act and decision almost put his life to an end. Students also are subject to several acts of carelessness.Irresponsible tardiness and absences are so common. Always absent, cutting classes, afterwards keep themselves pressured for they almost consumed the allowable absences. Lack of self discipline is one major problem. Not doing home works and projects. Not participating in class. And when it's time for grading, asking the teacher â€Å"WHY I GOT FAILED†, â€Å"WHY I GOT LOW GRADES†. They should have asked themselves if they did their best. If they are worthy for those grades that they been dreaming. Another incident that can be considered as â€Å"careless† happened a year ago, along Bali highway. Hen a driver still drives a public Jeep even when he was in the influence of alcohol. He was so careless that he even brought his son with him and let it sit beside him in the front seat. He should have considered his condition and think that he was in charge of the many lives of his passenger. As a result of his stupid reckless act, the Jeep that he was driving got an accident that leads to the death of 3 people and several injured including his son. He should have taken extra are thinking that his son is in the vehicle.And nevertheless should haven't drive through his condition. Carelessness leads also to the cost of the environment to go against us. This is when the former leaders of our society disregard the issue of illegal anti- environmental activities in Canaan De ROR. This includes illegal mining, illegal logging, and toleration of improper waste ma nagement. This careless act brought a massive effect after super typhoon sending hit the northern Mindanao. That was indeed a very powerful typhoon that can really caused a massive and tragic event.But the carelessness of our leaders had multiplied the damage it brought. Trees that may have slowed the falsehood were gone, drainage that should give way to the water were clogged by garbage. If leaders have took full responsibility and foreseen something like it, they should have initiated full authority and made precautions for it. All carelessness leads us to be apart from God. For we may hurt everyone and everything that he made. We may be able to be sorry for it, and be forgiven. Maybe we'll realize it sooner or later, but the fact is â€Å"the damage has been done†.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Easter Rising Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Easter Rising - Research Paper Example The first day of the rebellion was Monday, April 24, 1916, with approximately 1200 rebels participating in the fight against the government. The men were all volunteers but were less than what was expected due to the extreme secrecy of the group and the doubts some did have about the plan of attack. The plan was to use the General Post Office as their center of command due to its solid structure and ease of defense. As was to be proved later on while the GPO did have the advantage of defense, it would prove difficult to command the rebellion factions from it or plan attacks (Friedrich 10). Debate has risen over the significance of the GPO with some experts arguing that it was due to its symbolism of British imperialism that it was taken. The GPO was one of the largest buildings in the city and having being built by the British many saw it as a symbol of their superiority only comparable to Dublin Castle. By Noon on Monday most of those who had volunteered to fight took their position s divided into 4 battalions. The first battalion was led by Ned Daly who was to take control of the 4 courts with 250 men while the second Batallion led by Thomas MacDonagh was told to take charge of a biscuit factory South of the city center (Ciment and Russell 291), the factory was possibly to be a source of food as the fighting continued. The third battalion comprised of 130 men and was led by Eamon de Valera who were to control a bakery and Eamonn Ceannt was in charge of the 4th battalion that was made of 100 men and were to take charge of the Dolhpins barn in Emerald square in the town center and to prevent a counterattack by the Irish Army. The British government as well as most of the Irish population was taken by surprise at the commencement of the attack and responses were disorganized especially since Britain was at the time at war with Germany. The squad that was in City Hall with Conolly came under intense fire and soon had to surrender, Sean Conolly who was the commande r of the group was shot dead in the fight and several others were arrested. The fourth battalion also faced some fire from the British army but they managed to hold their positions ("The 1916 uprising..."). On Tuesday April 25th the battle of Mount street canal was fought between the British soldiers and the insurgents. The British infantry had been commanded to take the most direct route to the Dublin Castle as this was where the British headquarters and so was a point of political and strategic importance. The castle was where the then incumbent Viceroy Lord Wimborne resided in and was also where commands were dispatched from. Sherwood Foresters had to pass through Northumberland Road in spite of the dangers that the place would pose as members of the rebellion had captured neighboring territories. As the group cut into Haddington Road, they were attacked by rebels resulting in Captain Dietrchsen being injured. This also signaled the other rebels to inform them that an attack had begun and they too began to fire on the foresters (Mcnally 76). The foresters attacked the group that was located in No. 25 that was behind them and had initiated the attack. The rebels had however prepared for this and had barricaded the doors and windows resulting in the British Foresters being cornered in the open road. Attempts to escape by dodging to the other side of the street were countered by a brigade that pushed them

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

MIS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

MIS - Essay Example edman), globalization has entered a whole new phase and this reality can be judged from the speed with which technology is connecting different countries in a way which is also suppressing the distinguishing characteristics in terms of religion, race, culture, or language. My career might be working in the petroleum field in Saudi Arabia and globalization would surely influence my career as well. The fact that I belong from a different country and might be working in a totally different part of the world full of people speaking different language and following different cultures and values is not scaring me in a way it would have had globalization not been such a profound phenomenon presently. Also (according to Friedman), globalization has changed the world in a way that is eliminating the distinguished characteristics and a more harmonious working environment is made consequently at different workplaces around the globe. As countries continue advancing technologically, the world is also getting smaller in response. In an insightful and riveting piece titled In the Next Industrial Revolution, Atoms Are the New Bits, (Anderson) also discusses how the world is rapidly changing as globalization took its toll a few years back and how business should be able to boom both locally and globally by carefully leveling the playing field. Though revolution cannot be brought in a single day yet, by leveling the playing field and embracing creative ideas from local people like Local Motors did, the manufacturing future could be drastically changed. Local Motors let the common public design transportation and out ruled the global auto manufacturing giants. (Anderson) emphasizes that the future is not about relying on globally recognized manufacturing companies, rather the future should be majorly about trusting on local individual innovators with brilliant ideas so that business could flourish locally. What is now seen as big can lose to what was seen as small in the past only

Monday, October 7, 2019

The Qatari Police I have the outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Qatari Police I have the outline - Essay Example This guard serves as a cache for the regular forces while reinforcing the metropolitan police as required. The rate of crime in Qatar is normally low due to the large presence of police throughout the country. Although occurrences of violence tend to be rare, they have happened more frequently as a result of Doha’s population, as well as economic pressures on emigrant workers. There are reports of verbal and physical harassments of unaccompanied emigrant women by local and third country national young men. On the other hand, reports of petty theft tend to be infrequent though they have been growing; they include ATM and credit card theft, pick pocketing and purse snatching (Peter & Dilip 10). The main police divisions are immigration, criminal investigation, trials and courts-martial, traffic, prisons, emergency police, civil defense, nationality and passports. The criminal investigation division tends to be accountable for ordinary criminal cases, while Kuwait State Security tends to investigate security-related offenses. Both have concerns with investigations of terrorism, as well as those suspected of collaborating with Iraq. The U.S. Department of State evaluates the present crime rate in Qatar as being low. However, according to reports by Qatar’s Ministry of Interior, there is a substantial increase in crime levels in Qatar since 2005 and there are a projection of continued rise in years to come. Given the gigantic number of construction projects, as well as immense economic activity ongoing all through Qatar, particularly in and around Doha, along with the Industrial and Energy producing areas, there has been the establishment of foreign labor camps to cont ain the immense foreign labor pool resident within Qatar. These areas have higher occurrences of crime compared to other areas in Qatar. In areas of Doha, as well as its environs, all through weekends and after hours, huge numbers of foreign workers

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Cases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cases - Essay Example There is a set of outlined mitigating circumstances in terms of FWA, which should be taken into account in the process of considerations about an employee’s dismissal (the personal and economic situation of the employee, the employee’s unblemished record, genuine remorse and contrition). The article â€Å"Fair Work Australia: unfair dismissal, at the employer’s initiative and demotion† by Carol Andrades and Ryan Carlisle Thomas deals with the Fair Work Australia Full Bench decision, which is focused on the factors, which should be taken into account in the process of an employee’s dismissal. On the example of a pregnant woman, who had many difficulties in the process of her work, it is shown that the employer did not take into account her special needs and concerns and as a result, this woman experienced an efficient decrease in remuneration. The employer made an emphasis on an employee’s incompliance with the terms of the contract and the employee had to accept the repudiation. This case illustrates a harsh, unjust and unreasonable dismissal and the employee, who was awarded $25,821 compensation. Question: which factors should be taken into account in order to avoid an unfair dismissal of an employee? There is a need to focus on de facto and de jure agreement of a contract; the assessment of the contract repudiation, the â€Å"termination at the initiative of the employer† means and the cases, when a demotion constitutes a dismissal. The article â€Å"Social media dismissals: work/home dividing line blurred† by Joe Catanzariti deals with a role social media plays in the process of an employee’s dismissal. There is the first case, which deals with the employee, who posted a negative commentary on his Face book page about his employer. Fair Work Australia did not support an employee and a decision to fire